My publications:
Several interviews in international newspapers, magazines
Rijnhout, L. Barth, J., Hafele, J., Putting "Beyond Growth lobby" into Action; a think piece for FINGO.
- Rijnhout, L. (editor), Who is paying the bill ? (Negative) impacts of EU policies and practices in the world, Spotlight Report published by SDG Watch Europe, July 2019
- Rijnhout, L., Zondervan, R., Advancing sustainable development goals within Europe and globally: the role of EU, Think2030 paper, IEEP, Nov 2018.
- Rijnhout, L, Mastini, R, (editors), Sufficiency, moving beyond the gospel of eco-efficiency, Publication by Friends of the Earth Europe, 2018
Rijnhout, L, Carlos, R.,: Discussion Paper: Are EU listening?, Securing Civil Society voices in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Europe, Brot für die Welt, June 2017
Rijnhout, L., Stoczkiewics, M., Bolger, M.,: Necessities for a Resource Efficient Europe, chapter in "Factor X, Challenges, Implementation Strategies and Examples or a Sustainable Use of Natural Resources", Ed: Lehmann, H., Springer publications, 2017
Rijnhout, L., de Zoysa, U., Kothari, A., Healy, H.: Towards a global agenda of sustainability and equity: civil society engagement for the future we want. UNEP Perspectives, issue 12 (March 2014) 14 pag
Martinez-Alier, J., Bond, P., Haas, W., Rijnhout, L,. et all, Between activism and science: grassroots concepts for sustainability coined by Environmental Justice Organizations; Journal of Political Ecology, Vol. 21, (2014) 60 pag
Rijnhout, L., Is the private sector willing to sign up to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda?, European Financial Review, February 2016
Rijnhout, L., de Pous, P., Reforming Europe towards Sustainability, publication of European Environmental Bureau, 2015.
Rijnhout, L., Göpel, M., Principles for a Fair and Green Economy, booklet (2011)
Rijnhout, L., Environmental Justice and Social Equity, in VII Congreso Mundial de Bioética-Ponencias, (pag 43-57), SIBI, Gijon, 2011 (English and Spanish)
Bitzer, V., Cörvers, P., Glasbergen, P., Niestroy, I., (editors); European Union, Governance and Sustainability, textbook, Rijnhout, L.: related workbooks. Open University NL, (2012);
Rijnhout, L., Naar een sociaal en ecologisch rechtvaardige economie, (pag 139-153) in: Thieme, A., (red): Méér, Uitgeverij van Arkel, (2013) (published in 5 languages)
Rijnhout, L.: “Duurzame Ontwikkeling voor Dummy’s” (Sustainable development for dummies), publication VODO, 2008, 10 pages (3 languages)
Rijnhout, L: “ Money makes the World go round”,dossier ARGUS, Ecological Economics, magazine van de KBC, Oct 2007, 10 pages.
Paredis, ea “ The concept of ecological debt and its meaning and applicability in policy.", 2004, CDO – University Gent, 300 pages
Rijnhout, L, De Mets, J, “Red de Planeet, neem een kleinere schoenmaat!” (Save the planet, take smaller shoes!) Dossier Globelink, Students parliament 2001-2002, 118 pages.
Paredis, E, Rijnhout, L.; Vergroening van fiscaliteit: onhaalbare kaart of politieke realiteit ? (Greening taxes), 2001, report research work on broader environmental policy, fiscal reform as stimulant for sustainable policy., ed. VODO, 161 pages.
Rijnhout, L, Fremout, G, Mullens, M, Sustainable Development and Globalisation, Rio+10: is Europe willing to listen to the South?, 2002, final report international conference, ed. VODO, 142 pages.
Rijnhout, L, Oomen, J ea; De Wereld van de Kook, over coca en een 500 jaar oud mis(ver)stand, (The World of the coca leaf, about a 500 years old misunderstanding) 1993, ed. Boliviacentrum Antwerpen, 107 pages.
Rijnhout, L, en Oomen, J; Mala Leche, Una historia amarga de desarrollo en el Chapare, (Bad milk, a bitter experience in Chapare) ed. Cedoin-La Paz, 1994, 73 pages.
Rijnhout, L (ed) ea, Wie zegt… wat is recht ?,over gewoonterecht in Bolivia (about traditional legal systems) , 1996, Ed. Boliviacentrum Antwerpen, 45 pages.